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Cremation Urn Provider

Whether you inter an urn or keep it near,
You will hold them in your heart forever.

Keep your memories close.

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Kincheloe, MI Cremation Urns

Kincheloe, MI Cremation Urns are Not Just for People

Today, many people are aware of cremation options and the many kinds of Kincheloe, MI cremation urns that are available. In fact, most people associate cremation urns in Kincheloe, MI with humans. However, there are many benefits to cremation when it comes to pets.

Maybe you are concerned about cremation urns costs in Kincheloe, MI. Some urns can be very expensive, but the average pet urn is very affordable and is often less than one hundred dollars.


Dogs can be one of the most loyal and trusted friends you can have. Dogs often become members of the family and when one loses a family member, it is important to pay tribute to that member of the family. You will not have to worry about high Kincheloe, MI cremation urns cost when you shop urns for your dog. Plus, this is an excellent way to remember the life of someone very close and special to you. Some urns can be engraved and many have special places where you can display an image of your dog.


Cats are special animals that endear themselves to many. Cats can become family members and they provide a great deal of comfort in times of stress or anxiety. You can find many Kincheloe, MI cremation urns made especially for cats. Some are created as standard urns while others are in the shape of various types of felines.

Options for Pet Cremation Urns in Kincheloe, MI

Besides traditional urns, you can buy small units called keepsake urns. Keepsake urns allow you to share cremains with other members of the family. They also take up very little space in the home.

You may wish to invest in cremation jewelry for your pet that has passed on. This is a good way to keep cremation urns costs in Kincheloe, MI to a minimum. These items are inexpensive and you can choose from a variety of styles and materials. Cremation jewelry comes in the form of pendants and other types of jewelry, and holds a small but significant amount of cremains. This allows you to keep a favored pet near you all the time, and there is no need to purchase full size Kincheloe, MI cremation urns for pets.


You may have considered a pet funeral for a special dog or cat. However, if you add up all of the expenses, including burial in a pet cemetery, it can be expensive. Low Kincheloe, MI cremation urns cost makes the option of cremation and urn storage, affordable and practical. Plus, it is more convenient than traveling to visit a grave on occasion.

Size Options

Size is an important consideration when you compare pet cremation urns costs in Kincheloe, MI, especially if the pet was large. Always make sure to check the capacity of each urn you are considering before you make a purchase. For example, 25 cubic inch size pet cremation urns in Kincheloe, MI will work for pets up to 25 pounds in weight. In other words, a cubic inch of space is required for each pound of weight. Checking sizes will help you avoid the hassles of returning and reordering.

When you check out Kincheloe, MI cremation urns cost options, you can buy a small urn originally intended for people. After all, there are no hard and fast rules for urns, and if you like the style and the material, you may order anything that you want, and you can often save quite a bit of money this way. Just be sure it is the appropriate size.

Kincheloe, MI Cremation Urns and the Environment

Maybe you are not interested in storing the cremains of a family pet. Instead, you may opt for burial in the pet's favorite spot in the yard. You should check into the option of eco friendly Kincheloe, MI cremation urns. These types of urns are made from materials that are biodegradable and will break down quickly. Eco friendly choices are also easy on the budget, and will not increase your Kincheloe, MI cremation urns cost.

With environmentally friendly cremation urns in Kincheloe, MI, the process of burial is made simple and easy. For burial in water, one only needs to place the entire urn in the lake, river, or pond. Within a few days time, it will break down and start to become part of the local eco system. With burial in the ground, one has the options of scattering cremains on top of the soil or burying eco friendly Kincheloe, MI cremation urns directly in the ground.

Companion urns

Many people are choosing companion urns and cremation, as an alternative to burial in side-by-side graves with a double headstone. Although companion urns are often used for married couples and family members, there is no reason that you cannot buy a double urn for you and your pet. In fact, this could be a good time to pre-plan, and your cremation services provider will help you choose the best plans and cremation urns in Kincheloe, MI.